Help Us Honor an Exceptional Educator for a Lifetime of Work
Some people just don’t know when to quit.
A lot of them are retired educators. They may be officially off the clock, but most never abandon their love of teaching — or their love of learning.
So you’re likely to find them doing the sort of thing they’ve “retired” from. Tutoring struggling teens in math or helping new immigrants learn English. Presenting to their church group or mentoring in a small-business incubator. Volunteering at a living-history museum or running a class at the Y.

Likewise, you’ll find them in the crowd at interesting lectures and performances. You’ll encounter them in book groups and discussion threads. They’re ever-present at town meetings and museum exhibits. Always, they seem to be joyfully hard at work enriching their own minds, and loving it.
Road Scholar shares their passion for lifelong learning, and we’re grateful for the heroic work to which they’ve dedicated their lives and careers. We want to salute them for it.
That’s why we’re showing our appreciation with a special award for a just-retired or soon-to-retire educator, to help them continue on their learning journey as they move into the next chapter of their lives.
The Educator Legacy Award will provide a $5,000 Road Scholar voucher to one exceptional educator to use on the lifetime learning adventure of their choice. Teachers, administrators, staff or other educators in daycare, preschool, K-12 or college or university settings who retired in 2024 or are retiring in 2025 are eligible for nomination.

Nominations Accepted Through March 31, 2025
Do you have a special person in mind who has made a lasting impact on your life and/or the lives of others on your community? Please nominate them for the Educator Legacy Award! You have until March 31, 2025, to complete the nomination form explaining why you think your chosen nominee deserves this recognition.
Think of how fitting it will be when someone who has spent a lifetime opening young eyes to the world’s wonders can themselves explore the places they’ve dreamed about. That’s what we want to make possible with the Educator Legacy Award.
Real heroes use chalk. Tell us about yours.