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The American Revolution from Philadelphia to Trenton

Program No. 22708RJ
Follow in the Revolutionary footsteps of George Washington from Philadelphia to the Delaware River, visiting a battlefield, national landmarks and his tactical headquarters on the way.

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While we make every effort to ensure the accuracy of our published materials, programs are typically advertised more than a year prior to their start date. As a result, some program activities, schedules, accommodations, personnel, and other logistics occasionally change due to local conditions or circumstances. Should a major change occur, we will make every effort to alert you. For less significant changes, we will update you during orientation. Thank you for your understanding.
7 days
6 nights
What's Included
13 meals ( 6B, 3L, 4D )
9 expert-led lectures
9 expert-led field trips
An experienced Group Leader
6 nights of accommodations
Taxes and customary gratuity
Road Scholar Assurance Plan
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Activity Note
Hotel check-in available from 4:00 p.m. Remember to bring your nametag (sent previously).
Program Registration: 4:00 p.m. After you check in and have your room assignment, join us at the Road Scholar table in the lobby to register with the program staff, get any updated information, and confirm the time and location of the Orientation session. If you arrive late, please locate your Group Leader and let them know you have arrived. Orientation. The Group Leader will greet everyone with a warm welcome and lead introductions. We will review the up-to-date program schedule and any changes, discuss roles and responsibilities, logistics, safety guidelines and emergency procedures. Periods in the schedule designated as “Free time” and “At leisure” offer opportunities to do what you like and make your experience even more meaningful and memorable according to your personal preferences. The Group Leader will be happy to offer suggestions. Program activities, schedules, personnel, and indicated distances or times may be changed due to local conditions/circumstances. In the event of changes, we will alert you as quickly as possible. Thank you for your understanding.
At a Restaurant close to the Hotel. If arriving late, please email Lauren Kain for information.
Ben Franklin is in town! Played by a historical interpreter, he wants to greet us at the hotel and tell us, modestly, about his role in the steps leading up to the revolution.
Activity Note
Getting on/off a motorcoach; driving about 1 mile, approximately 1/2 hour riding time. Walking up to 3 miles; city streets.
At the hotel.
After breakfast, we’ll have an expert presentation on Washington's strategic battle plan for the American Revolution. Afterwards, we will board our motorcoach for a ride to The Museum of the American Revolution, the first of its kind to trace the steps that lead to our break with the “Mother Country” of England and eventually to revolutionary war. We will take a virtual journey through the American Revolution, encountering the events, people, and ideals of the founding of the United States through state-of-the-art design and technology. The collection of thousands of objects includes works of art, manuscripts, and printed pieces from the period. One particularly historic item is the original tent that George Washington used as his command center.
This meal has been excluded from the program cost and is on your own to have what you like at the Museum of the American Revolution or Bourse Food Hall. The Group Leader will be happy to offer suggestions.
After lunch we’ll walk to Independence Hall and the Liberty Bell. The old cracked Bell still proclaims liberty, and Independence Hall echoes the words, "We the People". We’ll explore Franklin's Philadelphia and America's continuing struggle to fulfill the Founders' declaration that "all men are created equal". We will enjoy a ranger-led introduction to Independence Hall and a self-led exploration at Liberty Bell with a park ranger available for questions. Road Scholar has already purchased your ticket for a specified entry time. However, if you arrive a day ahead or stay later and wish to go back to Independence Hall, you will need to acquire a free ticket at the Visitors Center on the day of your visit for a specified time.
At a nearby restaurant.
At leisure.
Activity Note
Getting on/off a motorcoach; driving about 55 miles, approximately 2 hours riding time. Walking up to 3 miles, uneven terrain, grass paths.
At the hotel.
We’ll travel the route General Anthony Wayne took to his farm near modern-day Paoli, PA. There, we will be invited into Waynesborough, General Wayne's ancestral home, for an expert-led exploration. The original house was built in the Georgian style by Wayne’s grandfather in 1724; it was expanded four times up to 1902. The structure was designated a National Historic Landmark in 1972.
Boxed lunch at Waynesborough.
After lunch, we will depart Waynesborough to travel to Valley Forge. The six-month encampment of General George Washington’s Continental Army at Valley Forge in the winter of 1777-1778 was a major turning point in the American Revolutionary War. Through a historical re-enactor, we’ll hear the tale of a revolutionary war soldier. We’ll return to the hotel after our field trip and adjourn for the day.
On your own to explore local fare.
At leisure. You might like to experience more of the sights and sound of Philadelphia or perhaps attend a performance at one of the city’s superb arts venues.
Activity Note
Getting on/off a motorcoach; driving about 1 mile, approximately 1/2 hour riding time. Walking up to 3 miles; city streets. Walking/standing at National Constitution Center.
At the hotel.
We’ll board the motorcoach for a field trip to visit some of the historic landmarks in Philadelphia’s Old City District — known as America’s most historic square mile — such as Elfreth's Alley, Arch Steet Meeting House, Christ Church and The Betsy Ross House. While there is no documented evidence that Betsy Ross actually did sew the first American flag, the story that George Washington himself asked her to make it lives on. Christ Church, founded in 1695, has long been called “the Nation's church” due to its associations with notable Revolutionary era leaders. Seven signers of the Declaration of Independence and five signers of the Constitution are buried here. Elfreth’s Alley represents three centuries of American everyday life. As a National Historic Landmark, it preserves 32 structures built from 1728-1836, one of our last remaining early American streetscapes.
Lunch will be provided at a local restaurant.
After lunch, we will walk a few short blocks to the National Constitution Center, where we’ll enjoy a theatrical presentation by an actor on the importance of freedom, then there will be time to explore the exhibits explaining the Bill of Rights and each of the Amendments on your own.
At a local restaurant.
At leisure.
Activity Note
Getting on/off a motorcoach; driving about 20 miles, approximately 1 hour riding time. Walking up to 2 miles, uneven terrain, grass paths. Extent and duration of walking and other free time activities according to personal choice.
At the hotel.
After breakfast, we will have a lecture on "Founding Fathers". We will then visit Cliveden House in Germantown. Built from 1763-64, Cliveden was the country estate of Benjamin Chew, then the Attorney General of Pennsylvania. The British captured Philadelphia in September 1777. When the Battle of Germantown erupted on October 4, six companies of British soldiers occupied Cliveden. The American forces attacked but, protected by the house’s thick stone walls, the British held out. Although not a military victory, this battle helped persuade France that the nascent American nation was worthy of support. Cliveden today is one of America’s best preserved and least altered historic sites. Musket burns from the Battle of Germantown can still be seen on the entryway floor. It is now a designated National Historic Landmark. We’ll then return to the hotel and adjourn for the day.
On your own.
Free time. This period of time has been set aside for your personal independent exploration to see and do what interests you most. Please refer to the list of Free Time Opportunities. The Group Leader will be happy to offer suggestions. Please note that the period scheduled for free time is subject to change depending on local circumstances and opportunities for independent exploration.
On your own.
At leisure.
Activity Note
Getting on/off a motorcoach; driving about 77 miles, approximately 2 hours riding time. Walking up to 3 miles, uneven terrain, grass paths. Walking/standing at both locations.
At the hotel.
Our field trip today traces another signal event in the history of the Revolutionary War as we follow Washington’s path crossing the Delaware, one of the iconic images in American memory. It was December 25, 1776. So far in the Revolutionary War, the British had won victory after victory. American morale was low. General George Washington decided to take a huge gamble. He gathered his forces of 2,400 men and crossed the Delaware River — ferried by local fishermen — to attack a garrison of Hessian mercenaries camped at Trenton, New Jersey. The surprise attack was successful and the Hessians surrendered. The crossing site is now a National Historic Landmark, where we’ll get off the motorcoach and be led by an instructor.
At an historic inn.
Victory or Death – The Revolution is saved! We have crossed the Delaware in daylight and not in the middle of the night as Washington's army did and our purpose is to surprise the sleeping British solders after their night of Christmas Eve celebration at Washington Crossing Park. We will have an overview of the Christmas Night Crossing of the Delaware River, Musket Demonstration (weather dependent), watch a brief video and independent time to visit the museum.
Our farewell dinner will be at a local restaurant. Your last opportunity to share your favorite experiences with new Road Scholar friends.
At leisure. Prepare for check-out and departure in the morning.
Activity Note
Hotel check-out by 11:00 am.
At the hotel.
At the hotel, an instructor will give a lecture on "a soldier's life" This concludes our program. If you are returning home, safe travels. If you are staying on independently, have a wonderful time. If you are transferring to another Road Scholar program, detailed instructions are included in your Information Packet for that program. We hope you enjoy Road Scholar learning adventures and look forward to having you on rewarding programs in the future. Don’t forget to join our Facebook page and follow us on Instagram. Best wishes for all your journeys!
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