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Expedition North: The Wild Beauty of Greenland & Labrador

Program No. 22631RJ
Reindeer. Humpback whales. Viking vestiges. Discover Greenland and Newfoundland and Labrador, a harshly majestic Arctic outpost not just endured, but embraced by its friendly residents.

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Protecting the Environment

We offset a portion of the emissions created by your travel. Learn more

17 days
16 nights
46 meals
16B 14L 16D
Kangerlussuatsiaq Fjord
Kangerlussuatsiaq Fjord
Torngat Mountains National Park
Torngat Mountains National Park
Torngat Mountains National Park Continued
Torngat Mountains National Park
Torngat Mountains National Park Continued
Torngat Mountains National Park
Torngat Mountains National Park Continued
Torngat Mountains National Park
Labrador Coast
Mealy Mountains
Labrador Coast
Mealy Mountains
Terra Nova National Park
Northeast Newfoundland
St. John's, Disembark
St. John's, Newfoundland
Program Concludes
St. John's, Newfoundland
View Full Itinerary

At a Glance

The hum of your Zodiac’s outboard motor stops, and you wait. There it is! A humpback whale pierces the water’s surface, pirouetting with a splash. To perhaps witness this rare spectacle is one reason you have voyaged north to the wild coastlines of Greenland and Newfoundland & Labrador. On this educational adventure, discover for yourself how these rugged lands where Vikings lived 600 years ago aren’t all together so different today. Learn in these Arctic enclaves how the friendly residents — like the reindeer and grey-leaf willows — not only endure this extreme outpost but embrace it.
Activity Level
Keep the Pace
Walking and standing for up to three hours per day over hilly, rocky, uneven terrain. Climbing stairs between decks on board as well as external gangway stairs to transfer between the ship and Zodiacs. Most embarkations and disembarkations will be via Zodiac, which require stepping up or down approximately 12 inches. Zodiac landings will generally entail disembarking onto rocky or gravelly beaches, and in windy weather can make for rather splashy rides.
Small Group
Small Group
Love to learn and explore in a small-group setting? These adventures offer small, personal experiences with groups of 13 to 24 participants.

Best of all, you’ll…

  • Explore Torngat Mountains National Park with a variety of hikes.
  • Discover L'Anse aux Meadows, the only authenticated Norse settlement in North America, which boasts a superb interpretive center and several reconstructions of Norse-style sod buildings.
  • Enhance your knowledge with unique access to Adventure Canada's seasoned onboard staff, each professionals in their fields including culturalists, photographers and naturalists.

General Notes

The itinerary is subject to change based on weather conditions. The program is limited to 24 participants and the Ocean Endeavour holds 198 passengers.
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