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Our Mission

Our Mission

At not-for-profit Road Scholar, our mission is to inspire adults to learn, discover and travel. Our learning adventures engage expert instructors, provide extraordinary access, and stimulate discourse and friendship among people for whom learning is the journey of a lifetime.




Our Not-for-Profit Status

Road Scholar is not a traditional travel company. We’re a not-for-profit organization — and we have been ever since our founding in 1975. That not-for-profit status means we can put learning first in our decision-making. It allows us to keep costs low and to offer valuable programs that aren’t driven by revenue. It makes it possible to provide scholarships that help offset costs so that financial constraints don’t pose a barrier to participation. And it means we can dedicate resources to the research and advancement of lifelong learning.

Read More About Our Story

Financial Aid

The Road Scholar Financial Assistance Program helps to increase the social, educational and economic diversity of Road Scholar groups, enriching the program experience for all, not just for those who receive scholarships or financial aid. We offer four unique options for financial assistance!

Learn More About the Types of Financial Aid Available

Our Commitment to Diversity

Road Scholar values diversity as a dynamic and integral part of a thriving educational community. We strive to develop dynamic program content and offerings that represent the rich diversity of our society and to foster a welcoming, inclusive and equitable work and learning environment for people of all backgrounds and identities.