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Great Conflicts

Antietam Battlefield

Join Road Scholar from the battlefields of Gettysburg and Antietam to the trenches of France and Belgium and the Islands of the Pacific Theater to explore the intricacies of the American Civil War, World War I and World War II. Go on site with our world-class instructors to learn the stories of these conflicts and the soldiers, generals, politicians and civilians who played a role in their outcomes.

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Great Conflicts: Military Tours Around the World

The history of the world is often written by military victories and defeats. From Valley Forge and Gettysburg to the trenches of France and Belgium, these experiences have forever shaped our reality. Now, step back in time on one of our fascinating military tours.

Walk across battlefields, read letters from soldiers fighting for their cause, and learn about the generals, politicians, and everyday people who played a role in history’s most significant battles. Our military historical tours include a look at the Revolutionary War, the Civil War, World War I, World War II, and more. 


The Revolutionary War

When cries for freedom rang out through a handful of far-flung colonies, the fire of war gave birth to a fragile new republic and a legendary leader. Road Scholar will take you back to the late 18th century. Learn about our founding fathers and visit the sites where soldiers fought for an idea that would become the United States of America.

The American Revolution From Philadelphia to Trenton

You’ll follow in the footsteps of George Washington and his Continental Army over this seven-day military historical tour. This tour will take you to Independence Hall, Valley Forge National Park, and the site where Washington crossed the Delaware River. Along the way, you will learn about the founding fathers, meet Ben Franklin, and gain a better understanding of Washington’s strategy as he fought for the future of a nation. 


The Civil War

In 1858, a senate candidate named Abraham Lincoln proclaimed, “A house divided against itself cannot stand.” How right he was. The Civil War split a nation and set brother against brother. Now, tour the fields of battle where the Yankees fought the Rebels and learn how the question of slavery turned a country against itself. 

Three Civil War Battlefields: Harpers Ferry, Antietam, and Gettysburg

This six-day tour will take you to three of the most critical battles of the Civil War, from the armed slave revolt at Harpers Ferry, to bloody Antietman, and to Gettysburg, where the tide of the war finally turned in favor of the North. Walk in the footsteps of soldiers, learn about John Brown’s desperate fight to end slavery, and follow the dramatic timeline of the Gettysburg battle. 


World War I

It was called the “Great War.” Across Europe, soldiers fought for inches and feet from the depths of muddy trenches. New, more deadly weapons claimed a shocking number of lives. Horses were replaced with tanks and planes as the world entered into the modern era of warfare. 

Online Lecture: Battles of WWI – The Somme’s Toll & Legacy

One of our favorite WWI battlefield tours doesn’t even require you to pack a suitcase. Join us for an hour of deep learning as our knowledgeable lecturer brings you into the thick of one of the bloodiest battles of World War I.


World War II

World War I was supposed to be the “war that will end war.” But a few decades later, Adolf Hilter and his Blitzkrieg would invade Poland, setting off a conflagration that would engulf many of the major world powers. Soldiers fought from the French countryside to stifling jungle islands and even in the deserts of North Africa. 

Road Scholar offers a variety of World War II tours that will help you understand the many fascinating sides of the war.  

The Seine: D-Day Beaches to Paris

One of our favorite military history tours of Europe is this 15-day trip to France. Dive into the events of D-Day and visit Utah and Omaha Beach. Explore historic sites in Paris and learn about the city’s final liberation. This trip includes fascinating lectures and a visit to cemeteries and memorials where you can pay your respects to the soldiers who gave their lives for the cause. Learn why this is one of our most popular battlefield tours of Europe.


History Is Waiting

Each of our military historical tours offers a wonderful adventure for any military history buff, including seniors. Road Scholar also has many other educational offerings for those who love history. If now isn’t the right time for travel, look at our online history adventures. If you want even more adventure choices, review our entire collection of historical tours. We also offer art history trips if you want to learn more about sculpture, architecture, and historical works.

Book your next trip and learn about the battles that defined history.