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Splendors of Switzerland by Rail

Program No. 15879RJ
Discover museums, villages, waterways and culture as you explore the Swiss Alps by rail, winding through some of Europe's most iconic and photograph-worthy landscapes.

Enroll with Confidence

We want your Road Scholar learning adventure to be something to look forward to—not worry about. Learn more

Protecting the Environment

We offset a portion of the emissions created by your travel. Learn more

At a Glance

Switzerland’s rail network winds through 3,000 miles of meadows and mountains, making it the densest railroad system in the world. Travel classic routes through the Swiss Alps, ride along the famed Glacier Express route and experience the picturesque Swiss-Italian narrow gauge line. Hear German spoken in central Switzerland, Italian in Locarno and Romansh in St. Moritz as you compare the history and culture of these diverse areas.
Activity Level
Let's Go!
Walking up to three miles daily, sometimes on uneven, hilly terrain. Must carry your own luggage on and off trains. Elevations up to 7,690 feet.

Best of all, you’ll…

  • Ascend Mount Rigi, the “Queen of the Mountains,” aboard Europe’s oldest cog railway.
  • Take a train to Zermatt and see Switzerland's most famous mountain, the Matterhorn.
  • Walk underneath the medieval arcades in Bern, the capital of Switzerland.
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