A Cycling Journey: Historic Bike Paths Along the Danube River
Program No. 3044RJ
Follow quiet bike paths along the sparkling Danube as you explore the history, folklore and culture of Bavaria and Upper Austria, with visits to castle ruins and a 900-year-old abbey.
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13 days
12 nights
24 meals
11B 2L 11D
At a Glance
Centuries ago, “treppelweg,” or towpaths, were laid down along the mighty Danube so that horses could pull barges along the river. This system allowed goods to be transported between the Black Forest and the Black Sea — a 1,777-mile journey. In Germany and Austria, many of these storied paths have today been converted into beautiful, car-free bike paths. Follow the “treppelweg” on an unforgettable bike journey that reveals the amazing environments, fascinating folklore and city and village life along the Danube.
Activity Level
Outdoor: Spirited
Intermediate to experienced cyclists. Cycling up to 15-40 miles (5 hours) daily on primarily flat terrain with frequent stops. Walking one mile on uneven terrain, standing for up to two hours and climbing stairs.
Small Group
Love to learn and explore in a small-group setting? These adventures offer small, personal experiences with groups of 13 to 24 participants.
Best of all, you’ll…
- Pedal through the Wachau wine region with a stop at 900-year-old Benedictine Melk Abbey for a history lesson.
- Discover the fascinating history of shipping on the Danube River during a visit to the Schifffahrtsmuseum tucked away in Castle Greinburg.
- Enjoy a classical concert in the Mozarthaus Concert Hall in Vienna
Featured Expert
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Gitta Pavlovic
A native of Austria, Gitta Pavlovic has been working as a licensed group leader since 1982. Gitta is a representative and member of the Chamber of Commerce for Licensed Guides. She speaks German, Croatian, and English, and enjoys tennis, art history, dog training, and reading.
Please note: This expert may not be available for every date of this program.
Gitta Pavlovic
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A native of Austria, Gitta Pavlovic has been working as a licensed group leader since 1982. Gitta is a representative and member of the Chamber of Commerce for Licensed Guides. She speaks German, Croatian, and English, and enjoys tennis, art history, dog training, and reading.
Frans Witkamp
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Frans Witkamp, born in Holland, studied cultural anthropology in Amsterdam and enjoys sharing his knowledge of European history, economics, and culture. He has been working in hospitality his entire career. In the winter, he runs a skiing school, and in the summer he leads cycling trips all over Europe. An experienced group leader, Frans is looking forward to showing you the beautiful roads, rivers, and valleys of your European adventure.
Ingrid Van de Grint
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Ingrid Van de Grint, an avid cyclist who was born in the Netherlands, began her career as a diving instructor in Latin American and Spain over two decades ago, having traveled a good part of the world. A stickler for details, her work as a group leader combines her greatest hobbies: traveling, culture, and history.
Silvia Mayr-Prazeneder
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Silvia Mayr-Pranzeneder was born and raised in Linz, Austria, set on the banks of the Danube. After graduating from high school, she spent a year as an au pair in Boston, Massachusetts. She has worked for more than 20 years as a travel leader in Austria and across Europe. In 2003, she earned a certification degree for leading groups in Austria. She has also been responsible for educating and training local experts. Silvia completed the Master of Advanced Studies degree for cultural management in Vienna.
Suggested Reading List
(13 books)
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A Cycling Journey: Historic Bike Paths Along the Danube River
Program Number: 3044
Between the Woods and the Water
Fermor continues with youthful adventures in Hungary and Romania, culminating with his arrival at the Iron Gates on the Danube.
The Danube
Thorpe travels against the current on a year-long journey from the Black Sea to the Black Forest, mixing accounts of his daily morning swims with environmental research, archaeological observations and, especially, tales of the ferrymen and fisherman, shopkeepers, activists and others he meets along the way. Central Europe correspondent for the BBC, the British journalist and writer has lived in Budapest since 1986.
The Third Man and the Fallen Idol
A haunting tale and penetrating portrait of Vienna after World War II, "The Third Man" is the result of Greene's collaboration with Carol Reed on the classic movie. "The Fallen Idol" is a separate tale of intrigue set in Britain.
Mixing history, personalities and literature, Magris traces the course of the Danube from its source in the heart of the Austro-Hungarian Empire through the Balkans to the Black Sea in this anything but conventional travelogue, first published in 1986.
Mozart, A Life
Challenging myths surrounding Mozart’s health, religion and relationships, biographer Paul Johnson shows the great composer’s lasting impact on the musical world with insight.
The Radetzky March
Magnificently set against the backdrop of the twilight of the Habsburg empire, Roth's family saga takes in the sweep of history and empire in Central Europe. The richly textured novel opens at the battle of Solferino, when young Lieutenant Trotta saves the life of the Emperor.
Europe Map
A one-sided map of all of Europe, as far east as Russia and western Turkey, at a scale of 1:3,000,000.
Danubia, A Personal History of Habsburg Europe
Winder, author of Germania (GER270), considers the legacy of the Habsburg Europe in this charmingly digressive history and travelogue.
Birds of Europe
Featuring 3,500 glorious paintings by Killian Mullarney and Dan Zetterstrom, the second edition of this exquisite guide has been updated with revised text and maps.
A Nervous Splendor, Vienna 1888-1889
A portrait of Vienna at the end of the 19th century, this book focuses on Crown Prince Rudolph, his devastating suicide and the rich texture of gossip and daily life at the Habsburg Court.
The Danube, A Cultural History
Beattie gives a comprehensive overview of the Danube’s role as a vital shipping artery and a uniting thread through the region’s turbulent history.
Just Ride, A Radically Practical Guide to Riding Your Bike
Bicycle commuter, reformed racer and proprietor of Rivendell Bicycle Works in Walnut Creek California, Grant Petersen covers equipment, health, safety and attitude in 87 short and illustrated, often provocative essays.
A Time of Gifts
Fermor effortlessly interweaves anecdote, history and culture in this exuberant account of a walk from Holland, up the Rhine and down the Danube, through Germany, Prague and Austria in 1933. Written not in the moment, but 40 years later, the accumulation of time and experience give the book particular poignancy.