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Birding Bonanza

Program No. 7414RJ
Explore three of the nation’s top birding destinations to spot Sandhill Cranes, Western Tanagers and myriad other species as you learn from experts and add to your birding list.

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At a Glance

Three of the Top 10 birding destinations in the U.S. are within a close radius of Sierra Vista. The region is a seasonal home to many migrating species, including the Green-tailed Towhee, Belted Kingfisher and Western Tanager. Visit premier viewing sites in the Huachuca Mountains, San Pedro Riparian area and other sites known throughout the world as premier viewing sites. An average of 100-125 species of birds may be spotted during this birding adventure!
Activity Level
Outdoor: No Sweat
Walking up to one mile and standing up to one hour. Elevation ranges between 3900 and 5800 feet.
Small Group
Small Group
Love to learn and explore in a small-group setting? These adventures offer small, personal experiences with groups of 13 to 24 participants.

Best of all, you’ll…

  • View the migration of Sandhill Cranes during an exploration of the Sulphur Springs Valley.
  • Enjoy opportunities to spot key species inside the San Pedro Riparian National Conservation Area, encompassing 57,000 acres teeming with birds.
  • Experience premier birding amid the peaks and canyons of the Huachuca Mountains and observe the many water bird species living on and around Patagonia Lake.

General Notes

Birding programs have a maximum participant-to-instructor ratio of 14:1 in the field, according to the American Birding Association’s Code of Ethics. Please note that on day 5 the group will need to travel through the base at Fort Huachuca to arrive at the Huachuca mountains. At this time, the military base is only open to US citizens.
Featured Expert
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Matt Brown
Matt Brown has been a birding enthusiast from a young age! In elementary school, Matt taught birding ID to his fellow classmates. He went on to study psychology at Syracuse University before moving to Arizona in 1998 to pursue his passion of bird watching and bird leader. Locally, Matt has worked for the Nature Conservancy, Patagonia Lake State Park, Road Scholar and local birding and butterfly festivals. Since 2002, Matt has owned the Patagonia Birding & Butterfly Company offering custom birding and butterfly programs.

Please note: This expert may not be available for every date of this program.

Profile Image of Matt Brown
Matt Brown View biography
Matt Brown has been a birding enthusiast from a young age! In elementary school, Matt taught birding ID to his fellow classmates. He went on to study psychology at Syracuse University before moving to Arizona in 1998 to pursue his passion of bird watching and bird leader. Locally, Matt has worked for the Nature Conservancy, Patagonia Lake State Park, Road Scholar and local birding and butterfly festivals. Since 2002, Matt has owned the Patagonia Birding & Butterfly Company offering custom birding and butterfly programs.
Profile Image of Sharon Goldwasser
Sharon Goldwasser View biography
Sharon Goldwasser became an avid birder and naturalist as a student at UC-Santa Cruz. She worked as a field biologist for several years, then moved to Tucson for graduate school in ecology where she studied song mimicry by Lesser Goldfinches. In 1987, she routed her career into education, bringing love of science to thousands of middle school students. Since retiring from the classroom in 2020, she has renewed her birding passion and is excited to share knowledge of birds and the ecology of southern Arizona.
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